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Five core values from L’Arche’s core members…

Two members of L'Arche pose together for a photo at a gathering
Core members, people with intellectual disabilities in L’Arche, are the foundations of our communities. They guide our mission, both creating and modeling our core values.  

The first L’Arche community in the United States began in Erie, Pennsylvania 50 years ago. Since then, we have expanded across the country, welcoming more and more core members to L’Arche and sharing our core values with more and more greater communities from Seattle, WA to Jacksonville, FL.  

To celebrate FIFTY years of L’Arche in the United States, here are FIVE core values often modeled by our core members that you might be interested in adopting for your own home or community.

1. Welcome:

L’Arche is building a kinder world where everyone belongs. This value is not just about welcoming people into our homes, but it is about welcoming people into relationship and building a sense of belonging. It is about giving everyone a seat at the table.  

2. Inclusion:

Inclusion takes welcome one step further. This is when the voices of those who are marginalized are listened to, respected, and invited to lead. This is how we connect across differences and build vibrant communities. 

3. Celebration:

At L’Arche, we know everyone has a gift to offer and there is always something to celebrate. This is integral to how we build community, celebrating one another’s authentic selves and fostering a spirit of joy and play in daily life.  

4. Simplicity:

Slowing down is key. An important part of L’Arche culture is taking time to simply be with one another, letting go of society’s lie that the more efficient you are the more worth you have. We aim to find fulfillment in the small, everyday moments of life that often go unnoticed.  

5. Awareness:

Spirituality is important to our people. While everyone arrives to L’Arche with their own experience or non-experience, we value and respect the many ways that human beings connect with one another and with something deeper.  

Thanks to you, L’Arche has been learning from and uplifting the values of people with intellectual disabilities in the United States for over 50 years! Will you help us continue this incredible work for 50 more?

Double your impact in May! Take advantage of a generous matching fund of up to $25,000 and donate today.


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